
Based on 6474 reviews
Smoothie Straws


Winter Cleanse

I’m sure this cleanse is good, but I never started it. I became too overwhelmed with all the prep. However, you can’t go wrong with adding more plants in your diet. I’ve completed other plans by Simple Green Smoothies and always feel great in the end. Hopefully, I’ll compete this one at some point. It still is a worthy plan to try out.

Spring Cleanse
Beth Trzcinski

I love focusing on eating nutritious food! I believe that good health is feeling good physically and mentally. When I know I’m doing good things for my body, it gives me a mental boost. What the mind believes the body achieves. I feel better when I eat better. Doing the cleanse helps me realign my eating habits. Each time I do a cleanse I learn something new. I never used ginger until my first cleanse and now I have it almost daily in my tea and smoothie. I also carry forward new habits which help me implement more vegetables in my diet. I love the interesting mix of flavors in the meals and snacks. I love the metabolism tea and the spiced almond milk. I like repeating recipes to save time and energy. I love being able to change out ingredients and still have a great meal.

Spring Cleanse

This is my 5th Spring Cleanse and while I'm never surprised by the easy recipes and tasty meals, I'm always a little surprised at how good I feel and the positive results! The cleanse comes at a very busy and stressful time of the year (as a teacher), so it's a great way to have structure and a plan to get me through the chaos of the work week. This year in particular it was helpful and insightful, and I'll continue a few more weeks with the maintenance option to get me through the end of the school year and a great start to the summer.

Spring Cleanse
Denise Price

I love all the cleanses! I didn’t stick with it as much as I should have but I’m going to do it again! I lost a few pounds. That’s the great thing you can use them as needed.

Spring Cleanse
Diana Grasley

Thank you x 100 for having everything so organized. During Week 1 my weight went steadily down. The week’s recipes at a glance made it easy to figure out how to switch meals around, if necessary. The Grocery List made shopping so much less stressful. Having an interactive pdf was great. And, the recipes are Amazing!

Spring Cleanse
Yassi H

I joined because I was looking to do something good for my health. The first few days was challenging but I felt so great afterwards that am Truley going to incorporate in my lifestyle My energy and mental clarity has been great. Recipes were simple and colorful. Loved the group chats, absolutely loved my face time with Jen. I feel way more confident in making healthy decisions for myself. what to eat was always a challenge to me and I love that I am not craving sugar. that to me is the best part. Some of my results are better sleep, clarity of mind, no foggy brain and very different gut health that I can no longer ignore for the rest of my life.

Spring Cleanse
JuJu P

I joined the cleanse mainly to get my diet back on track and to shed a few pounds ... oh, the belly flab! I have previously used Haylie Pomroy's "Fast Metabolism Diet" in which you make all homemade meals, cut sugar, alcohol, gluten, dairy, etc, but it incorporates what I consider to be vast quantities of meat on a couple days per week. She will allow you to use plant-based recipes, but does not provide recipes that I found appealing for plant-based meals... and got us into having "meatloaf & asparagus night" every week... haha! I knew I wanted to try something different, and thought I felt better when eating more plant-based ... and boy, was I right. My husband (Poppi) agreed to try your cleanse with me ... basically, if I'm cooking, he's eating! :) VOILA! Here we are, almost 3 weeks later after sticking faithfully to your plan (and your generous and wise offers for swaps), and we've both dropped pounds, feel great, and found recipes we will both be asking for well into the healthy future! Goodbye meatloaf night... hello Asparagus Stir Fry .. and don't forget the Savory Almond Sauce! Yum!
We both carried on through some low energy moments, and I had some mild tummy rumblings a couple mornings, but with the amazing Check-In collective, I figured out that after the Detox Tea and then a breakfast smoothie using full-fat coconut milk as the liquid, my system was talking to me. Swapping in some water for a good portion of coconut milk was my fix. Noting people in the collective with a similar issue, and that solution was a game-changer. Jen, you really put together a fabulous system that allows participants to help and support each other, in addition to your well-felt care, and that piece was surprisingly important as well. The time you spent with multiple face-to-face sessions was also magic in that it created such a beautiful personalized environment for us to see and listen to each other. Your generosity with your time as well as pulling out additional amazing recipes on the fly for us when you heard our likes, etc was so appreciated!
And kudos to my bestie ... my blender! I thought that beautiful Vitamix had been well used, but I had no idea! She was with me every step of the way, multiple times a day, and performed on the heavy lifting (pesto and hummus) like the pro she is.
Cravings ... what cravings? I keep asking my hubs as well about cravings, and we're feeling good. I'm not even craving sugar. What in the world?! Give the girl a cookie and some cashew cream sweetened fruit and she can change the world!
Thank you seems like not enough to give you, Jen. So thank you times 3 weeks, and then some! You've put together a game changer that we are grateful to keep in our back pockets.. which are getting slimmer!

Spring Cleanse

I joined the spring cleanse to help me break my sugar addiction and to get into the habit of cooking and prepping my meals and it did not disappoint. While the weekly prepping was sometimes difficult/long, the most challenging part was fitting it all into my tiny fridge, but I managed. While I haven't seen an increase in energy, I am definitely feeling happier with the volume of food I can eat with this diet. After 3 weeks, I feel like a better cook, and am more confident with adjusting the recipes to suit my tastes and what I have on hand, and I have lost 8 lbs!

Spring Cleanse

This cleanse is AW.E.S.O.M.E. When I hear cleanse I think of starving and living on juices. I was ready to suffer because I needed a health kick start, but I was shocked in a good way. There's no living on liquids or starving here. Woot! It's all real food you can chew, with breakfast smoothies for needed fiber. The printable PDFs were sooo helpful. I didn't have time for the videos, classes, or much online interaction, but I lived in my PDFs. They are so thorough and novice friendly. I especially loved how helpful the prep suggestions were. That made the prep work necessary with plant based eating manageable. I liked most of the food and will be doing my own round 2 cleanse because with life I just could not get it all done during the formal group timeline. I found it extremely helpful that it was all planned out for me. That alone was such a time saver. I have also found new recipes I look forward to including on a regular basis. I have been dabbling in plant based eating, but having it all planned out made it so much easier to figure out. I did have a check-up during this cleanse and my cholesterol has dropped 30 points just from dabbling in plant based eating. It was great evidence that this way of eating is what my body needs. Imagine the possible results with dedicated plant based eating! I feel better eating plant based, and my colon is much happier. I am grateful for Simple Green Smoothies not only being the signpost for the direction I needed, but for being the tour guide along the way to a great new life as well! You RAWK!

Spring Cleanse
Nicola G

This cleanse came at the perfect time for me. I have to stop eating animal products for health reasons. I had breast cancer last year and the majority of the year was spent in surgery, chemo and radiation. I am now almost done with the reconstruction process. Switching to a plant based diet is the one thing I can do to help prevent recurrence, and ensure I live my best life from here on. This was daunting to say the least, and honestly I had no idea where to start. I had done the Smoothie Challenge, and the salad challenge, and enjoyed both. Then I got the email about the Spring Cleanse. I actually cut out meat on my own the week before the challenge started and made it through the week, but the pre-cleanse week opened my eyes to just how delicious a plant based menu can be. Sure, there is more preparation than I was used to - but then when you eat a particular way your whole life it becomes second nature, and change isn't always easy - and I wasn't always good at getting the prep done, but I managed. I definitely need improvement in that area though :) Throughout the three weeks of the process (pre-cleanse, cleanse, and post-cleanse) there have been meals that I have loved and some I loved less (not many tbh), but I am learning what I prefer.
I learned that I can do this, and that is my biggest take away from this. I feel amazing (big positive driver!), never once felt deprived, don't crave coffee, nor chocolate (big shocker!), and actually don't crave the meat or dairy as I thought I would. I have a long way to go yet but this is a fabulous start and I am hugely motivated by what I have achieved in this past 3 weeks.

I didn't manage to make all the check-ins because of my schedule but it was good to know they were there and the prep sessions I was able to watch the recordings which was good. Posted a few times on the community and kept up reading the posts other people made which was really helpful to me as well. And information on products that would be helpful (the soup storage for example, and the silicone ice cube trays) was also incredibly valuable to me and I will need to get more of those moving forward,

Spring Cleanse
Sandra S

I decided to join the cleanse to lose some menopausal weight. The recipes were delicious and for the most part I wasn’t hangry. I stopped craving Cheetos and chocolate!!! It’s really easy to overeat when you’re not getting enough nutrients. I felt comfortably full. I am down 6 lbs and want to lose another 10 lbs. I was having a lot of gas and bloating before the cleanse but I’ve improved my digestion tremendously!

Spring Cleanse
Jenn Ginn

I turn 56 today and I decided to do the Spring Cleanse because I was finally ready to make some real and lasting changes in my eating habits. Since moving to Florida three years ago I have dealt with a number of big life events. Some great, birth of three grandchildren, our youngest son finishing middle school, one horrible job experience, the hard changes that come with menopause, and last year the suicide of a very dear friend. Each time I have gone to see my amazing general practitioner she reviews my blood work and suggests moving to a more plant based diet. Through the years I have done different cleanses, and plans: Whole 30, juicing, I’m a former runner, I love yoga, and enjoy an active lifestyle. The pounds though had been creeping up and honestly after my friend’s death I have struggled with depression and binge eating. I now take a daily small dose antidepressant, but I knew I needed to make some lasting changes in my daily nutrition.

Spring Cleanse
Tammy Shaule

FABULOUS! FABULOUS! FABULOUS!! No inflammation, weight loss, feel great and less stressed. My mind is clear. My cupboards are organized! Thank you Jen! I was on the fence about signing up, but I am so glad I did. I learned so much in the last 3 weeks. How to be more organized, weekly food prep makes things so easy, no wasted food by the end of the week it’s all used up, wipe out the fridge and go shopping—-with a list! Recipes are great. 2 soups in 1 week is a bit much. I had never cooked with fennel or Swiss chard, I planted both in my garden. No coffee for 2 1/2 weeks, I thought that was crazy. I drink 2-3 cups per day. Honestly, I don’t miss it. I feel alert, not foggy and lots of energy. Lost some weight and no inflammation. I have even started doing walk/jog again with no foot pain. I do miss chocolate and need to find a substitute snack. Jen you are the gal we all wanted in the office lunchroom handing out our weekly dinner plan and shopping list to avoid the after work scramble to make dinner for our family.

Spring Cleanse

Like a lego tower, a train or ones spine, this spring cleanse built upon all the knowledge I've obtained from previous Simple Green Smoothy cleanses with building blocks of different foods, healthy habits, suggestions from other cleansers, and new recipes. Each cleanse builds upon the other in that it takes more than 3 weeks of eating deliberately and consciously to arrive at "hey I feel great and this is the way I want to eat always to feel this good." For me, it has taken a few cleanses and each time giving me an even lighter, healthier, energetic and fulfilled self. The blocks finally add up to a new habitual way of eating and really tasting our foods.
Spring in our town is when many have knees, shoulders, and hips repaired after skiing hard all season and in my case, it was my neck that needed repair. The vertebrae weren't stacked right and I thought it would be a great idea to also prepare my body in a healthy way to join in the spring cleanse and get rid of all the inflammation from not always eating right on the fly and the toxins from flying so much. I felt healthy, rejuvenated and empowered doing the cleanse especially since one of the weeks took place during and after surgery. I loved the comforting comments from other cleansers and from Jen during healing which also made me feel good. What a lovely community of people from all over supporting each other and all striving for a cleaner, healthier body.

Spring Cleanse
Ida Gonzalez

Joined to: push for better health, find relief from cronic inflammation. Enjoyed the very detailed, thought out program. It was frustrating when I couldn't find produce to exactly match the recipes: but the feedback in the community reinforced that personalizing the program was OK. Appreciate that now have the program to "try again". The online feedback times didn't seem to come together for me to interact in real time - but still very helpful when using replayed information.

Enjoyed it - thank you for your program.

Spring Cleanse
Mariya Baker

I have decided to try this cleanse as nothing else worked for me - no other diets, restrictions etc. I found it helpful that the meal plan has been designed for me with the grocery list - all I had to is to execute. Online support is great too, knowing that you have other people around the globe doing it “with you”. It is like a sisterhood. What I also liked that Jen is genuine and authentic. I believe her goal is to make other people’s lives better. She does not sell a magic powder or a pill to make you healthy and slim. You do the work yourself - she is your coach. Here’s some of my wins: Lost 5 pounds. Realized I can live a happy life without addictions like coffee (I am.. ahem.. was a heavy coffee drinker) and wine. Was exposed to new products and superfoods ( hemps hearts, nutritional yeast, almond butter etc.) Modeled healthy choices for my kids. Found my diet moving forward - I am a flexitarian [a person whose diet mostly vegetarian but sometimes includes meat, fish, or poultry].

Spring Cleanse

I decided to partake in this cleanse to reset my body from much hormonal weight gain; more specifically bloating. I keep gaining weight even though I am very active. I found the weekly prep onerous as I like to be out of the kitchen under 20 minutes. I did invest in the prep but found it took several hours to make all the weekly recipes. I'm training for a cycling event in July. I've lost 6 lbs and looking forward to losing more.

Spring Cleanse
Melissa T

I was never eating vegetables. Tons of bread and easy to grab food. I was gaining weight steadily over the years. Thought I needed a bump to get into eating more veggies. This totally worked! Now I’m cooking and have finally gotten a clue as to what to do with veggies. Not only that but I loved the food. Everything was pretty yummy. Of course I have my favorites but everything was really good. For me I tried to get in the social aspect a little but in the end I kinda failed at that but it was nice reading others posts. The prep was brutal but the cost of an easy week. I definitely cook more! If not for my bad knee I’d love to train for a marathon. I actual crave salmon pizza and I really couldn’t break that but in my defense it is sooooo good. I never really ate Cheetos or red vines. Lol. Although by being on the cleanse I denied like 5 doughnuts, 3 or 4 pastries, and tons of m&m’s at the office!! Glad to have avoided and hopefully continue to avoid all that. In the end I have been so much happier! I feel like I’m on the path and making progress towards my goal of being healthy, energized and sleeping better. Thanks for a great start!!

Spring Cleanse
Emily V

I absolutely love participating in Jen's cleanses! I was really needing a reset, having succumbed to too many poor food choices lately and this Spring Cleanse did not disappoint. I'm feeling much better, lost several pounds and am back in the habit of making a big batch of soup or salad to last several busy days. I love filling my fridge up with produce and watching it disappear all week! I lost some weight, identified lentils as a food to avoid, and reestablished healthy eating habits.

Spring Cleanse
Cindy Kuechle

I am a former personal chef and I’d like to report that this cleanse absolutely exceeded my expectations! It was so well organized - I knew exactly what groceries to buy, what to prep on Sunday to make the week so easy, and what to eat when. Then, I found the food DELICIOUS! I love the new feelings of energy and lightness that take over a few days into the cleanse and this inspires me to be better at incorporating plant based foods and cleanse practices into my daily life. Thank you Jen for offering such a well run program! I’m hooked and will be back for more!

Spring Cleanse
Carrie M Davis

I have lupus, am hypothyroid and have fibromyalgia. Ugh!! I really needed to change my eating habits because the inflammation is real. I'm tired of feeling bad all the time. I knew from friends who went WFPBOF are off their meds and have lost weight. So I'm starting with the cleanse. The recipes are definitely rawk solid! Everything I like is in there, lol. The prep and check-ins keeps the momentum and enthusiasm high. I am more confident about knowing what foods are best for me and how to make a meal, great. I already have a Vitamix and make smoothies for my breakfast so nothing changed there. With this cleanse I lost about 8-9 lbs. I don't weigh because I forget to do that before I drink or eat something. But I did weigh last week and was 9 lbs down plus the clothes I looked pudgy in now I look slimmer. No marathon but have more energy do get done what needs to be done. Nope, I will always crave potato chips. I am sodium deficient so eating salty or higher sodium foods helps. Dr was happy to hear my new eating plans. I'm very happy I joined Simple Green Smoothies 21 day cleanse. I plan to continue this as my lifestyle! Thanks so much Jen for rawking my taste buds and helping my new lifestyle.

Spring Cleanse
Zelda Greenberg

I Joined the Cleanse because I knew I had to take control of my life again. I have back issues and the weight I lost will benefit me and allow me to have a healthier life. Over the last 5 months I gained 10 pounds and I am almost back to my lowest weight. I have stopped taking another medicine. I have experimented with new foods and discovered that I can change my eating habits. No caffeine, no dairy, no bread, all things that I love. I feel great as I have followed the cleanse. I tried to strictly follow the meal plans. The first two weeks I stayed truer to the course than this week. (Too many outside commitments.) But the best advice I heard during the coaching sessions was Perfection was not the goal, progress was! I did not feel guilty and was able to get back on track easily. I lost 8.8 pounds so far. I love the recipes and have learned to adapt them to my tastes. I have found I can use what I learned through my Membership in Rawk The Year to carry me through my meal prep. I am definitely more comfortable with my choice to add more plant-based food to my diet. The lessons and the comments on the coaching sessions were appreciated and if I could not attend live, I watched a recording. A bonus to incorporating the plan, I am down another medicine. (That is a total of three down and my A1C is below 6.)
When I want a snack, I try to select fruit, I eat more consciously, and I exercise more. But it is still a journey, and I am continuing to take my time. Thanks to the Community for traveling with me.

Spring Cleanse
Beth Mohr

The cleanse and program is wonderful. Whether you want to lose weight, eat healthier, get on a routine or like me want it all - this program is great. I learned how to plan and prep, cook healthy fantastic recipes and enjoy feeling more balanced and focused. Jen’s program offers weekly checkins that helped me meet like minded people and I enjoyed listening to their journeys. This program has changed my lifestyle- no more junk food! Thanks Jen

Spring Cleanse
Julie K

I can’t believe how quickly my cravings for other foods went way! 4 days in I wasn’t interested in baked goods, which is insane. 😆 I loved the recipes and my body is so happy to be eating nutrient dense foods. I wasn’t hungry on this plan, but if I had gotten hungry I loved Jen’s support in eating bigger portions and added snacks (this is NOT a diet! It is truly about listening to and nourishing your body). I love making changes in a mindful and body positive way! I am (weirdly) uninterested in caffeine or sugar! I’ve now done things that used to heavily involve those things (plane rides, special events, family day at the beach) without “needing” those things at all. I’ve lost some weight (quite a bit actually) but more importantly I know I’m feeding my body the foods it needs to thrive. I want to be healthy and strong and I’m looking forward to my next round of bloodwork after recently finding I’m pre-diabetic. 🤞